CHITRA APP Privacy Policy

Posted: 1 January 2013

Thanks for using CHITRA APP Android Application. Here we describe how we collect, use and handle your information when you use our websites, software and services (“Services”).

What & Why

We collect and use the following information to provide, improve and protect our Services:

Personal Info. We collect, and associate with your account, information like your Name, Mobile No, Company Name and Location like city name. Our customer executive will contact you and provide you more information regarding application and its offers.

With whom

We won't sell it to advertisers or other third parties

Law & Order. We may disclose your information to third parties if we determine that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to (a) comply with the law; (b) protect any person from death or serious bodily injury; (c) prevent fraud or abuse of Bullion Spot or our users; or (d) protect Bullion Spot's property rights.


Have questions or concerns about Bullion Spot, our Services and privacy? Contact us at